'Walking Book Fairs' brings joy for Book Lovers in Bhubaneswar - BEST OF ODISHA


Tuesday 10 October 2017

'Walking Book Fairs' brings joy for Book Lovers in Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: City based book store ‘Walking Book Fairs’ known for taking books to readers in the nooks and corners of the country, is making book lovers’ dream come true yet again.

Through an innovative concept based on a ‘travelling library’ or ‘books on wheels’ the founders of Walking BookFairs, Akshaya Routray (36), and Satabdi Mishra (34) want reading to reach all, with more accessible bookstores and libraries where people can read, understand the world, each other and their problems.

With a belief that books are for everyone and are a necessity for people, the founders of the unique book store, Satabdi and Akshay, want people from all walks of life to access them and get an opportunity to read quality books.

 Not just this offer, the duo has planned an All Odisha Tour of the book-truck starting from October 16. They have travelled over 20 states with their book truck since 2014 when they began ‘Walking Book Fairs’ selling books on the footpath and in public places starting their tour from Koraput.

Most book lovers agree that the pleasure of reading surpasses everything else.

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