A word that was once known to and used among
medical professionals has now become a common term unfortunately. According to
psychology, Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively
affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. But, it is also
treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in
activities you once enjoyed. Healthy living takes practice, preparation and
commitment but it’s worth it. Find out
what you could be doing to build a happier and healthier life.
In earlier times problems were just on
individual level, limited to one’s own individual level and family. But now
with the automation and digitalization we not only have access to the information
that we need but unfortunately we come across all the unnecessary and
demotivating information also. The moment something happens somewhere in the
world the next moment we have the information and unfortunately 90% of them are
the ones that have negative impact on us.
Constant work pressure, targets to be
achieved, deadlines to be met, less family life and even less the time you
spend with friends and loved ones, less self-care and self-love, all these are
the basic causes that lead to depression. There are some common symptoms of
Depression which Include feeling sad, hopeless, lowered self-esteem, recurring
pessimistic thoughts, reduced energy levels, unable to find joy and happiness
in day today activities, disturbed sleep, loss of appetite etc.
It is an undeniable fact that leading a
mechanical life without any short breaks has been the major cause for
depression among majority of people. Just as machines need rest, human body and
the mind also need rest and constant positive input at all levels to function
properly and to give the best. But unfortunately we tend to neglect the very
core aspects that will help in shaping our best self.
There have been drastic changes in our
lifestyle, the food we take, the information that we come across, the people we
meet, and relationships that we have, all these aspects effect our physical and
mental health. So it is but very important that we lead a conscious and
positive lifestyle.
What will help us to stay away from
depression? Positive and healthy inputs at every level, having nutritious and healthy diet,
equivalent physical activity, reading books of various kinds, relating to mind
body development, spiritual, lives of great people, etc. Being very particular
about what we watch and hear limiting only to positive and encouraging things,
engaging in an activity that gives happiness, a hobby or something and proper
quality sleep.
So, healthy living, having positive and
encouraging thoughts, healthy relationships with family, friends and persons in
general. A hobby that gives you happiness, if these aspects are taken care of
depression will always stay away.
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