According to Zee media report's, Tata Motors is going to launch a small car named 'MEGAPIXEL' in January next year. The price of the car is something between Rs. 5-6 Lakh.
Megapixel is a four seater carand the cars electric drive has 4 independent electric motors,one at each wheel. The car is giving fuel economy of 100 kilometres per litre.
This concept was launched in March 2012 at the 82nd Geneva Motor Show.
The car also boasts of an advanced human machine interface (HMI) that enables you to control things like tempreture, ventelation,Driving modes and perfomance.
Megapixel is a four seater carand the cars electric drive has 4 independent electric motors,one at each wheel. The car is giving fuel economy of 100 kilometres per litre.
This concept was launched in March 2012 at the 82nd Geneva Motor Show.
The car also boasts of an advanced human machine interface (HMI) that enables you to control things like tempreture, ventelation,Driving modes and perfomance.
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